Jefito http://jefitoblog.com/blog/
ickmusic http://ickmusic.com
Also, an interesting development at Wolfgang's Vault -- the site that is selling old Bill Graham memorabilia at silly prices. To generate attention dozens of concert tapes of performances that were promoted by the late Graham are being streamed. Following a story in a recent Rolling Stone magazine, major labels and artists are of course suing the site, so go there soon. There are many interesting shows, many were legally broadcast as King Biscuit Flower Hours, ranging from ABC to Neil Young.
You can also save the streams as mp3s if you download the very friendly program "Xstream Radio 3.2"
Finally for Clash and Generation X fans there is a new(ish) band Carbon/Silicon comprised of Mick Jones and Tony James. It's fun stuff and their first two released albums are available for download here. Free and legal.